It's What's on the Inside That Counts!

Interior Painting

When you hire Coleman Painting for interior painting, you can count on us to complete any necessary repairs to your walls, cabinets, trim, baseboards, and more. When your space is in good shape, we then prep the surfaces to be painted in advance of a top-notch, quality paint job.

Once painting is complete, our pro crew does a thorough clean-up, leaving your home or office pristine and fresh. We cart away all trash, including hazardous and chemical materials, leaving no trace—except your perfect paint job.

Interior Services

We don’t leave until we’ve ensured you are satisfied — our final walk-through is a chance for us to show off our work and make sure we have exceeded your expectations. If you’re not totally happy with the result, we will gladly touch it up or change it. Once the walk-through is complete, our team will help restore your furniture and belongings to their proper places, leaving your space good as new and ready to use.

Wall Painting

We diligently repair any cracks or damage to walls, then repaint to refresh the current look or revamp it completely.

Ceiling Painting

The walls aren’t the only thing that determines a room’s look and feel. Ceilings have a big effect on the overall aesthetic, and we work to make sure yours fits your space and looks great.

Trim/Baseboard Painting

Regular wear and tear takes a toll on trim and baseboards. Let us help refresh it with a trim or baseboard painting job.

Door Painting

We do more than paint walls and baseboards—we can also paint doors and door frames. A paint job can make a dramatic statement for your door, speaking volumes about your taste and style.

Cabinet Painting

When the cabinets in your office, kitchen, bathroom, or another room need a refresh, we can help. Instead of getting new cabinets, refinishing them with a fresh durable paint job is a more affordable option and allows for custom color matching.

Drywall Repairs

Coleman Painting offers repairs to damaged sheetrock walls or ceilings. After repairs, fresh paint will ensure they look good as new and previous damage is undetectable.

Wallpaper Removal

Ready to remove that old wallpaper? We can help. We’ll remove it, make repairs as needed, and leave your walls in perfect shape.

Special Texturing

Special texturing can add depth and style to interior walls. Our team offers a range of custom textures to suit your vision.

Popcorn Scraping

Our team can remove your ceiling’s popcorn texture for a fresh, modern look.

If you need Interior Painting in the Phoenix Metro area, count on us.